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In Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu is one of the principal deities of the Hindu trinity, alongside Brahma (the creator) and Shiva (the destroyer). Vishnu is often depicted as the preserver and protector of the universe. His role in the context of yoga and Hindu mythology is significant, as it is closely related to the concept of sustenance and preservation of dharma (righteousness).

Here are some aspects of Lord Vishnu's relationship to yoga and Hindu mythology:

Avataras of Vishnu


Lord Vishnu is believed to have incarnated in various forms, known as "avataras," to restore dharma and protect the world from evil forces. The ten primary incarnations, known as the "Dashavatara," are significant in Hindu mythology and include Matsya (the fish), Kurma (the tortoise), Varaha (the boar), Narasimha (the man-lion), Vamana (the dwarf), Parashurama (the warrior with an axe), Rama (the prince of Ayodhya), Krishna (the divine statesman), Buddha (the enlightened one), and Kalki (the future warrior). These avataras illustrate the concept of balance and preservation in the universe.

Vishnu Sahasranama


The Vishnu Sahasranama is a sacred text that consists of a thousand names of Lord Vishnu. It is often chanted by practitioners to invoke the blessings and qualities associated with Vishnu. Many yoga practitioners incorporate the recitation of Vishnu Sahasranama into their daily spiritual practices.

Bhakti Yoga

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Bhakti yoga is a path of yoga that emphasizes devotion and love for a personal deity. Many devotees of Lord Vishnu follow the path of Bhakti yoga and engage in devotional practices, which may include singing bhajans (devotional songs) and offering prayers and offerings to Vishnu.

Yoga Nidra and Lord Vishnu


Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is a deep relaxation technique in yoga. It is believed that Lord Vishnu practices Yoga Nidra on the cosmic serpent, Shesha, in the cosmic ocean. This state of restful awareness symbolizes the preservation and balance in the universe.

Yoga Philosophy and Dharma

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The practice of yoga in Hindu philosophy is deeply connected to dharma, which represents moral and ethical duties and righteousness. Lord Vishnu is considered the guardian of dharma and is believed to maintain balance and harmony in the world. Practicing yoga, with its emphasis on self-realization and living in accordance with dharma, is in alignment with the ideals represented by Lord Vishnu.

In the context of yoga and Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu symbolizes the preservation of righteousness, balance, and harmony in the universe. His various avataras and qualities serve as spiritual and ethical guides for practitioners, helping them navigate the path of yoga and align with the principles of dharma. Lord Vishnu's presence in Hindu mythology continues to inspire and guide yoga practitioners on their spiritual journeys.



(Side Plank Pose)


In the vast tapestry of Hindu mythology, Vasisthasana is linked to the sage Vasistha, who was one of the revered sages in ancient India. Vasistha was closely associated with Lord Vishnu and had a deep understanding of the divine. He is believed to have practiced this asana, which was later named after him. In the story, Vasisthasana serves as a reminder of the profound connection between enlightened sages like Vasistha and Lord Vishnu, illustrating how yoga transcends time and culture, connecting us with the divine wisdom of the ancients.



Why is it significant:

This pose challenges practitioners to find stability and strength, particularly in their core and arms. It teaches us the importance of maintaining equilibrium in our lives, much like Vishnu's role in preserving the balance of the cosmos.


How to do the pose:

  1. Start in a plank position with your shoulders aligned over your wrists.

  2. Shift your weight onto your right hand and stack your left foot on top of your right.

  3. Lift your left arm toward the ceiling, creating a straight line from your head to your heels.

  4. Engage your core and hold for several breaths.

  5. Repeat on the other side.


(Fish Pose)


The story of Matsyasana is intricately entwined with the avatar of Lord Vishnu, Matsya (the Fish). In Hindu mythology, the world was once threatened by a colossal deluge. To save the Earth and its inhabitants, Lord Vishnu transformed into a giant fish, Matsya, and rescued the sages and the sacred scriptures from the inundated universe. Matsyasana embodies this divine rescue mission as practitioners arch their backs and open their chests, mirroring the shape of the Matsya avatar.It serves as a symbol of Vishnu's compassionate and selfless acts to safeguard humanity and the teachings of dharma.



Why is it significant:

This asana reminds us of our inner strength to overcome obstacles and the importance of adaptability, fearlessness, and the ability to navigate through challenging situations.


How to do the pose:

  1. Lie on your back with your legs extended and your arms resting at your sides.

  2. Press your forearms and elbows into the floor to lift your chest, creating an arch in your back.

  3. Tilt your head back and maintain the arch in your upper back.

  4. Hold for several breaths and gently release.


(Wheel Pose)


Chakrasana draws inspiration from Lord Vishnu's iconic Sudarshana Chakra, the divine discus he wields. According to Hindu mythology, the chakra represents the cycle of time and the cosmic order. Chakrasana reflects the eternal and cyclical nature of existence, symbolizing Lord Vishnu's control over time and destiny. As practitioners enter this dynamic pose and stretch their bodies into a wheel-like form, they become a living embodiment of Vishnu's ability to maintain cosmic balance and order.


Why is it significant:

Chakrasana represents the idea of maintaining balance and harmony in the universe, as well as in our own lives. The asana's backbend and wheel-like shape remind us of the ever-turning wheel of existence.


How to do the pose:

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet hip-width apart.

  2. Place your hands behind your shoulders, fingers pointing toward your feet.

  3. Press through your hands and feet to lift your hips and chest toward the ceiling.

  4. Arch your back and create a wheel-like shape.

  5. Hold for several breaths and gently release.


(Locust Pose)


Salabhasana mirrors Lord Vishnu's Varaha (Boar) avatar, in which he lifted the Earth from the depths of the cosmic ocean. According to Hindu mythology, the Earth was submerged in the ocean, and Lord Vishnu, in the form of Varaha, dived into the abyss to rescue it. In Salabhasana, practitioners lift their legs and upper bodies, invoking the imagery of Varaha's heroic mission. This asana embodies Lord Vishnu's strength and determination, symbolizing the idea that we, too, have the power to bear the weight of our responsibilities and face challenges head-on.



Why is it significant:

Salabhasana represents the strength and determination of Lord Vishnu in his Varaha avatar. It teaches us the importance of inner strength and resilience.


How to do the pose:

  1. Lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides and forehead on the floor.

  2. Lift your chest, arms, and legs off the ground.

  3. Hold for several breaths, engaging your back muscles.

  4. Gently release back to the floor.


(Eagle Pose)


The story of Garudasana revolves around the union of Lord Vishnu and Garuda, representing the perfect balance and harmony between master and servant. Garuda, the mythical bird, is a symbol of loyalty and devotion. In this pose, practitioners emulate the elegant intertwining of limbs, symbolizing the unity of Vishnu and Garuda. Garudasana teaches us the importance of finding balance, cooperation, and unity in our lives. Just as Lord Vishnu and Garuda work together harmoniously, the asana reminds us of the significance of a balanced existence.


Why is it significant:

Garudasana represents the unity and balance between master and servant, emphasizing cooperation and harmony.


How to do the pose:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

  2. Bend your knees and cross your right thigh over your left.

  3. Wrap your right foot around your left calf.

  4. Cross your right arm over your left, bringing your palms together.

  5. Hold for several breaths and repeat on the other side.


(Bow Pose)


Dhanurasana is closely linked to Lord Vishnu's form as an archer. In Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu is often depicted as the divine archer, aiming for precision and balance in the universe. Dhanurasana, with its bow-like shape, mirrors Vishnu's focus and determination. The pose opens the front body, expanding the chest and stretching the spine, aligning with Vishnu's intention to strike a perfect balance. The story of Dhanurasana reminds us to aim for equilibrium, embracing our intentions and actions with purpose.


Why is it significant:

Dhanurasana represents Lord Vishnu's precision and balance as an archer. It encourages us to aim for equilibrium and embrace our intentions with purpose.


How to do the pose:

  1. Lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides and forehead on the floor.

  2. Bend your knees and reach your arms back to hold your ankles.

  3. Lift your chest and legs off the floor, creating a bow-like shape.

  4. Hold for several breaths and gently release.


(Vishnu's Couch Pose)


Anantasana reflects Lord Vishnu's cosmic rest on the serpent Ananta, symbolizing the eternal and infinite nature of the universe. In Hindu mythology, Ananta serves as the divine bed for Lord Vishnu during his cosmic slumber. This asana requires practitioners to balance on one side while extending the opposite leg upward, mirroring the timeless and boundless aspects of the universe. It embodies Lord Vishnu's connection to the infinite and reminds us that, like Vishnu, we are interconnected with the eternal and boundless elements of existence.Anantasana is a profound reminder of the interconnectedness and universality of our spiritual journey.


Why is it significant:

Anantasana represents the eternal and boundless aspects of the universe and emphasizes our interconnectedness with the infinite.


How to do the pose:

  1. Lie on your right side with your legs extended and your head resting on your right arm.

  2. Reach your left arm over your head and hold your left big toe with your left hand.

  3. Lift your left leg toward the ceiling while keeping your right leg grounded.

  4. Hold for several breaths and repeat on the other side.

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